The Everyday Natural
Monday, April 22, 2013
Product update
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Let's Rewind
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Fantasia IC Heat Protectant Review

Hey there guys! I have a quick post for you all. This will be the last of 2011! I am sooo excited for this new year, I graduate in May!
Back to the matter at hand, I wanted to share with you all the heat protectant I use when I appply direct heat to my naturally curly tresses. I use Fantasia IC on clean hair, NO leave in whatsoever, and blowdry my hair using a comb attachment.
Detangled hair of course, applying to my ends first. After my hair is dry, I apply more before using my flat iron. Ceramic tourmaline. I apply more, making sure I coat my ends generously. I go over once to straighten, and again to add curl to the ends and then I pin curl. I usually leave them in until the next day and have bouncy curly hair! If I do any touchups, I use this first. And the best part of it all; I have NO heat damage.
I have done this twice to all of my hair. I first purchased this from a Kroger supermarket for about $7 or so in October of this year. I used this on my exposed hair from a sew-in I had during homecoming. No heat damage then either!
I hope you all have found this helpful! Have a safe and Happy New Year's Eve!
Xoxo, Dejah
Monday, December 26, 2011
So today is a FROHAWK kind of day!
Heading out for pedi's with my mom and sister. Gotta take care of those lower digits regardless of the season! Rough feet are for men and even then, blegh lol
Shampoo'd and Conditioned earlier with Pantene for Curly Hair. Gotta get some of my own cuz mommy isn't having that kidnap business with this stuff. I do NOT blame her either. I LOVE it! Both even comes with a pump. About $5 each and she got them from Wally World! Gotta love that place huh?
After rinsing I applied KCKT, loooove that stuff btw -best investment in a hair product hands down, and rubbed coconut oil on my scalp and in my hair after pinappling for a few hours to stretch my hair some as the perimeter dried.
Going to hit some after Christmas sales too. Hope Old Navy has beaucoup designs of jeans available cuz I'm about to go HAM! $15 ea for adult sizes and ten for kids. Hope you aren't seeing this post too late. Also wanna rack up on leggings at F21.
Later LoveBugs!
Xoxo, Dej