I purchased some flax seeds today from PathMark (my local grocery store). It cost $0.89 a packet (I have two) and the expiration date is 12/2013. Not bad, since I should put them to use by then. I used Naptural85's flaxseed gel recipe. It calls for 1/4cup flaxseeds and 2cups water. That's the consistency she prefers, but I find it a bit runny. Next time, I may use less water, but it is in the refrigerator as I type and I don't know how much it would thicken (she says it thickens as it cools).
I got quite a bit of product. I found that using a slightly thicker stocking is more effective, the thinner one I had developed a run and caused the seeds to be scattered in my gel as opposed to remaining in the sock. I recommend using a thicker sock so it wont develop a run because the seeds WILL land into your gel!
It was messier than expected, but that is why it is called "trial and error", so I know how to prepare next time I plan to go through this process.
Of course, I added my trusty rosemary essential oil to preserve my product. Since I had so much extra, I gave some for my friend to try on her hair. =}
Next time, I will use less water, and let it boil longer, both should result in a thicker gel. It's a little too watery for my taste, but be warned, I discovered through my research it will be tougher to strain. I will follow up with a pictorial of my process and results. Stay tuned!
Post Updated: 3-22-11
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