Hey there guys! I have a quick post for you all. This will be the last of 2011! I am sooo excited for this new year, I graduate in May!
Back to the matter at hand, I wanted to share with you all the heat protectant I use when I appply direct heat to my naturally curly tresses. I use Fantasia IC on clean hair, NO leave in whatsoever, and blowdry my hair using a comb attachment.
Detangled hair of course, applying to my ends first. After my hair is dry, I apply more before using my flat iron. Ceramic tourmaline. I apply more, making sure I coat my ends generously. I go over once to straighten, and again to add curl to the ends and then I pin curl. I usually leave them in until the next day and have bouncy curly hair! If I do any touchups, I use this first. And the best part of it all; I have NO heat damage.
I have done this twice to all of my hair. I first purchased this from a Kroger supermarket for about $7 or so in October of this year. I used this on my exposed hair from a sew-in I had during homecoming. No heat damage then either!
I hope you all have found this helpful! Have a safe and Happy New Year's Eve!
Xoxo, Dejah